After a few moments reflection I agreed with her. I didn't like the sidebar on the left. I liked it better the other way, on the right. However, I did prefer the sans-serif font, if only for a change, and decided to make a contrast between the "page" and the sidebar. I think I'll leave it this way for now.
If you didn't see it the way it changed last night, too bad. It's gone. Well, not gone, I saved it, but I doubt I'll be bringing it back.

So one key command caused all this flux to your blog????? LOL! Okay, I shouldn't laugh. I know how frustrating itis to lose something online. I had this absolutely wonderful photo of Bob and Farley in the canoe... my fav photo of both of them. Now Farley the Dog is dead, and I can't find that photo anywhere... even though it was stored online in several places, including the DT website. It disappeared. Kaput! As if Farley the Dog took it with him....
There is something to say for a paper trail, right? Ah, it may come out of the black hole yet. Computers are beyond understanding. Tried the recycle box? At least the most important part of Farley lives in your heart.
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