John Chow dot Com, a blog that helps you make money is giving away a 24″ wide screen LCD monitor! To enter, you just have to write about it. This is my entry. Now give me the monitor! The contest is sponsored by BluFur, who wants to let you know that they’re hosting Canada and the rest of the world.
OK, that's a lot of links (advertising) for one short paragraph. How you think he makes money, eh? Anyway, I like John, even tho he's evil. He's also Canajun, which must count for something. And he has way cool cars on his masthead. He always has some sort of buzz happening, and lots of advice about how to make money blogging. What I say is, if you want to learn about promoting yourself & your blog, read John Chow dot Com.
By the way, deadline for the contest is July 31/07.

I enjoyed many articles in your Blog Larry. Some were fun, some were sad and some just damn well made me mad! But that wasn't your fault; its' the human condition I guess.
This is my first time saying hi, so I just want to wish you success on your efforts to illuminate and educate.
I can relate.
Thank you Vernoosh. I suspect we'll meet in that great recording studio in the sky...
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