Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Book Launch Announcement

My good friend Marianne Paul is having her second novel published.This has been a work in progress for several years. I had the pleasure and privilege of reading early drafts while attending the Dove Tale Writers editing circle.

Marianne is a fabulous writer. Her style is spare but always evocative. I always like to think I can take credit for encouraging her to write poetry, at which she also excels, because much of her prose is really poetry. You can check out some of her writing at the Dove Tale Writers website and her own website.

And if you are in or near the Kitchener area on June 21, make sure you stop by for the book launch. All the local glitterati will be there (except me...Nurse Ratchet demands a foot massage that night...)

Come and celebrate with me the launch of my new novel!

Tending Memory
BookLand Press

Thursday June 21st from 7 - 9 p.m.

Reading at 7:45 p.m.

Sam’s Steps Dance Centre
1252 King St. E., Kitchener
Corner of Sheldon & King St. (above Scotiabank)
Entrance & parking off Sheldon

Enjoy the accordion music of HWSRN and a gypsy dance by Samantha Paul

Light refreshments
Books available at a special book launch price

RSVP appreciated at mariannepaul(at)

Hope to see you there!
~ Marianne Paul

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Larry for your kind words - and your "plug" online. It'll be a fun night. And yes, you are a big part of my writing.... and this book. You'll recognize a lot of it- maybe just put together a bit differently than the readings at the writing circles....

Thanks again, my friend.

Love, Marianne

Help! I've written and I can't get up!